
Ned's new family is wonderful, and everything we hoped for for him - they've taken him to training class, and he has three kids and a canine brother in his new family that he LOVES to play with. They get a bad rap, but anyone who has been around them for any length of time knows that pitties are great with children, and Ned is definitely no exception.
We couldn't be more delighted that after all he had been through, Ned finally found someone perfect to add them to their family!
Wiggles & Puppies

Wiggles was a young Momma, and didn't always have interest in tending to the puppies (she did, just reluctantly). Unfortunately, one puppy was just too small to survive, and so one little baby girl passed away the day after they arrived in Iowa. The rest have grown like weeds, and all of the puppies and Wiggles have since been adopted.

She wasn't the brightest star in the sky, but she was one of the sweetest, most loving dogs in the world. We were so happy that she finally found a forever home that will treat her with the love and respect that all animals deserve!

Her story is one that baffles my mind. A Columbia woman drove FOUR HOURS one way to adopt this dog. And less than three days later, she changed her mind and dumped her at CMHS. Because their current policy does not allow them to adopt out American Bulldogs like Sky, they would be forced to euthanize her, but her new owner couldn't be troubled with driving her back to the shelter she adopted Sky from in order to literally save her life.
Fortunately for Sky, the nice folks at CMHS do love the bully breeds, and bend over backwards to find groups that will take them in. Sky's original shelter loved her, but didn't have the manpower to drive here to get her back, so she stayed at our house until another CMHS volunteer could get her back to where she came from. Sky has since found another home, and the shelter feels confident this time it's for forever!

Turns out that Ray isn't blind afterall. He has corneal ulceration, but can still see well enough to get around. Unfortunately he had a bad case of coccidia from the puppymill, so he was with us for longer than a puppy that cute normally would be in rescue. After five weeks with us, he finally went home last weekend to a wonderful couple from Kansas where he'll have another Cavalier Rescue alum to play with.
And the family vowed never to put this angelic face in Jawhawk Gear. It was part of the adoption agreement. :)
Bart & Fiona
Those that have been with us for a while may recognize these two kitties - Bart and Fiona with Columbia Second Chance. Bart and Fi were at the store with us a lot when we first opened. They were part of a large feral cat trapping that SNAP (Spay, Neuter And Protect) did last summer, but these two were social enough to be put up for adoption.
Those that have been with us for a while may recognize these two kitties - Bart and Fiona with Columbia Second Chance. Bart and Fi were at the store with us a lot when we first opened. They were part of a large feral cat trapping that SNAP (Spay, Neuter And Protect) did last summer, but these two were social enough to be put up for adoption.
They were with us for four months before they were adopted in December. Unfortunately, it didn't work out with the adopter, and they were just returned a couple of weeks ago.
They are now almost a year old, but are SUCH lovable cats. Bart has a particular fondness for snuggling with Emma (our boxer), and Fiona has blossomed into quite the cuddle bug (which is a long way away from her formerly timid, semi-feral self). These two will be making regular appearances at L&R, so stop in and see them, and if you know of anyone who wants a couple of adorable cats, send them our way!
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